What is this about anyway?

I have been a Deputy Probation Officer for a little over 9 years. The stories here are actual things that either myself or my co-workers heard, saw, or experienced. Enjoy... and be sure to check the archives! OR submit your story in a comment section below one of the entries.. it really does not matter which section. See the 'Got stories' directions on the right side of the blog.


Stealing while on probation, from the courthouse... on camera.

I had a defendant on probation who was in the courtroom for some reason. He and his girlfriend were no doubt waiting for some other legal issue to be dealt with. He noticed that another person in the audience had a very nice, expensive leather jacket. That person got up from his seat, left the courtroom to use the bathroom, and left the jacket to hold his seat.

What an opportunity!!

My defendant picked up the jacket, while in the courtroom and walked out the door down the hallway with it... all while being filmed by security cameras... waiving it around for his girlfriend to enjoy and then gave it to her to wear. Who said chivalry is dead!

There was no need for CSI on this one.

He called from jail, before he had his VOP hearing and wanted to explain. I said, "ya know what? I don't even want to talk to you that was so damn stupid! You stole from a courtroom while court was in session... you were being filmed the whole time. I have nothing to say to you, you can explain it to the judge."

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