What is this about anyway?

I have been a Deputy Probation Officer for a little over 9 years. The stories here are actual things that either myself or my co-workers heard, saw, or experienced. Enjoy... and be sure to check the archives! OR submit your story in a comment section below one of the entries.. it really does not matter which section. See the 'Got stories' directions on the right side of the blog.


Not powdering his nose... and worse and worser.

Had a guy who tested positive for cocaine. When he was confronted by his DPO he said he hadn't used any, but he was cutting up his kilo and he had a cut on his finger and it must have gotten into his system that way.

In the middle of a UA test, while the DPO was holding the 'dipstick' in the cup, a female defendant asked her DPO if the sample would test positive because her boyfriend used and they just had sex about an hour before she arrived at the department.

Even worse, a defendant wanting to know if she would test positive. Her boyfriend was using and she engaged in... oral activities with him.

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